Updated for exchange 2010. Enumerates all distribution groups, then emails the owner of each group a list of group members per distribution list.
# Enumerates a list of all members of all Distribution Lists
# in Exchange 2010.
# Script will then proceed to email each owner a list of all
# members of each group.
# Use PowerShell.exe -command
# ". 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14
# Connect-ExchangeServer -auto; path_to_your_script"
# Updated 5/02/10
# By: Gnawgnu
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010
#first get all distributionlists
$dl = get-distributiongroup
#then enumerate through them all and get all group members.
foreach ($group in $dl) {
#build group data
$groupName = "Group Name: " + $group.name
$groupAddr = "Email Address: " + $group.PrimarySMTPAddress
write-host $groupName -foregroundcolor Green
$dlgm = get-distributionGroupMember $group.name.ToString()
# grab the first owner from the multivalued property
$gOwner = get-user -Identity $group.ManagedBy[0]
#setup email - make sure to add to your whitelist for
#antispam if applicable.
$sender = "PickASMTPSenderEmailAddress"
write-host $sender
#get Email Address of group owner
$recipient = $gOwner.WindowsEmailAddress
write-host $recipient
$server = "YourSMTPServerGoesHere"
write-host $server
$subject = "Monthly Review required - Email Group: " + $group.Name.ToString()
write-host $subject
#Note: `r`n is a carriage return
$bText1 = "`r`nOwner:" + $gOwner.Name + "`r`n"
$bText2 = $groupAddr.ToString() + "`r`n"
$bText3 = "group members: `r`n"
$bText4 = $dlgm | fl Name | out-String
$bText5 = "Please use your Outlook Client to make changes if needed.`r`n"
$bText6 = "If you are no longer the manager of this group, blah.`r`n"
$body = $bText1 + $bText2 + $bText3 +$bText4 +$bText5 +$bText6
write-host $body.ToString()
$msg = new-object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $sender, `
$recipient, $subject, $body
#send email
$client = new-object System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient $server
$client.credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials
Old post: