Last year I posted a generic script to enumerate all members of all email groups. My department was tasked with finding a way to keep all email groups updated for all departments. My solution has 2 parts:
Part 1 is configuring the "Managed By" field in Active directory or exchange for all distrubtion groups and checking the box for 'Manager can update member list'. This allows email distribution group owners to modify membership through their Outlook client directly. (via the Address book interface.)
Part 2 consists of the following Powershell script which finds all Email Distribution Groups in the forest and then sends an email for every email distribution group to that groups owner. The emails contain the primary SMTP address for reference and a list of all members of that group for quick viewing and confirmation.
# Enumerates all members of all Distribution Lists in Exchange 2007
# and all owners.
# Script will then proceed to email each owner a list of all
# members of each group.
# Uses cmdlets from exch2007
# 3/14/08
# By: Gnawgnu
#first get all distributionlists
$dl = get-distributiongroup
#then enumerate through them all and get all group members.
foreach ($group in $dl) {
#build group data
$groupName = "Group Name: " + $
$groupAddr = "Email Address: " + $group.PrimarySMTPAddress
write-host $groupName -foregroundcolor Green
$dlgm = get-distributionGroupMember $
$gOwner = get-user $group.ManagedBy.Name
#setup email - make sure to add to your whitelist for
#antispam if applicable.
$sender = "PickASMTPSenderEmailAddress"
write-host $sender
#get Email Address of group owner
$recipient = $gOwner.WindowsEmailAddress
write-host $recipient
$server = "YourSMTPServerGoesHere"
write-host $server
$subject = "Monthly Review required - Email Group: " + $group.Name.ToString()
write-host $subject
#Note: `r`n is a carriage return
$bText1 = "`r`nOwner:" + $group.ManagedBy.Name.ToString() + "`r`n"
$bText2 = $groupAddr.ToString() + "`r`n"
$bText3 = "group members: `r`n"
$bText4 = $dlgm | fl Name | out-String
$bText5 = "Please use your Outlook Client to make changes if needed.`r`n"
$bText6 = "If you are no longer the manager of this group, please notify IT.`r`n"
$body = $bText1 + $bText2 + $bText3 +$bText4 +$bText5
write-host $body.ToString()
$msg = new-object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $sender, $recipient, $subject, $body
#send email
$client = new-object System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient $server
$client.credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials